Should I visit a chiropractor after a car accident?The short answer is "Yes." Obviously, there is a variance in circumstances for necessity. Both recent and past history of car accidents are the source of acute and chronic pain; plus nerve injury, migraine headaches, stiffness, disc degeneration, subluxation degeneration, and other more acute emergencies. When involved in a MVA (motor vehicle accident), people either don’t follow-up with their healthcare provider because they “feel fine” or head straight to the hospital. Problems can develop from both situations. Whether or not you are sore, it is best to get checked out immediately. Many people experience health problems months later due to an underlying and progressive injury. Many car accident related injuries can become tricky and create long-standing issues. Even though you may leave the hospital and be told nothing is grossly wrong, such as dislocation, fracture, or internal bleeding, you should be properly evaluated by a Chiropractor. A Doctor of Chiropractic will check you for muscle and ligament damage, aberrant range of motion, vertebral subluxations, somato-visceral complications, and other joint dysfunctions. Underlying structural alignment and soft tissue damage may persist for long periods of time and progressive worsen without the proper care and treatment; long term problems may also cause secondary issues to develop. After most motor vehicle accidents, it is important to include Chiropractic care in your recovery treatment to restore and support your health. What do I do after a car accident?5 Tips Following a Car Accident
AuthorSteven K. LeGault, DC: Archives
October 2023